Akhila's Website :)

A little place where I write about complex things in... interesting ways. It's insightful though, I swear! 

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Newest Publication: Dark Matter Part 2/2

By Akhila Hiremath

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About Me

Hey there! My name is Akhila Hiremath, which you could probably tell from it being quite literally everywhere on this page. I'm currently a junior in high school who aspires to be a doctor. I was inspired to make this website because of the concept of medical journalism, where writers make information about complex diseases and issues in healthcare more accessible to the general public. I wanted to expand that idea by attempting to condense complex topics from varying fields into digestible articles that anyone can read. My writing process includes a lot of preliminary research from dense texts that I condense to be more engaging and readable to a more general audience. I explore challenging topics from biology to philosophy, and astronomy to neurology, so it's worth sticking around for! Thanks for checking this website out and I hope you enjoy what you see :)